About Us#

HoloViz is a collaboration between the maintainers of several Python packages, including HoloViews, GeoViews, hvPlot, Datashader, Param, Colorcet, and Panel.

The authors of these tools are working together closely to help make them into a coherent solution to a wide range of Python visualization problems.

If you like HoloViz, please tweet a screenshot of your latest creation at @HoloViz_org, linking to holoviz.org along with any other library you relied on (@HoloViews, @Datashader, @Panel_org, @Bokeh, @Matplotlib, etc.). Thanks!

There is an active open source community around HoloViz, and contributions from anyone are welcome. Contributions of any sort are valuable, including new documentation, plus bug reports and fixes to code or documentation that might seem trivial (HoloViz is partly about having as many of those ironed out as possible!). Please go ahead and open a pull request or create a new issue :)

While the HoloViz team itself maintains a number of packages on HoloViz’s GitHub, HoloViz depends on and supports a number of other open-source libraries; for more information, see HoloViz’s detailed background.

The entire HoloViz stack is open source, free for commercial and non-commercial use.